updated 21Jan16

As you plan for your upcoming event, we at EPS just wanted to remind you of some of the services
and equipment we provided for recent special events in the San Francisco Area.

EPS Onsite Operations demonstrates how the EPS team can help make your event run more smoothly.

Our Equipment section shows some of the equipment EPS has available to support your event.

Local Support details how we can assist out of town productions working in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Services reviews the many ways we can assist with your upcoming production, both before and during the
event and includes details on how your event can be
ADA Compliant.

Street Festivals address how EPS can assist with outdoor special events that usually have very little time
for install.

The Electrical section provides information on our Electrical Distribution and generator services.

Some of our stranger projects are detailed in the Special Projects section, while Gallery shows images
from many of our other events.

Staffing System provides information on our Employment, staffing and scheduling services, and the
software developed by EPS to handle large events (this section is still under construction).

Employee Services provides our employees with access to our web enabled scheduling system. This is
where our employment application is located, as well as where our employees can update their personal
information, find and post for available shifts, and confirm those shifts.

Site Cam provides views of EPS events during the install and during the show.

Venues provides information on the various special event venues managed by EPS, including Pier 35.

Local Support


Production Services

Electrical Services



Scheduling System


Employee services




Contact EPS





Current EventsGalleryIndex
