Street Festivals
The EPS team has extensive Street Fair and Art & Wine Festival experience.
How can we help your event run more smoothly?
Site Layouts
- Measurement and mapping of event site, locating exhibitor spaces, stage locations, fire lanes, utilities, parking and no-parking areas.
Pre-Event Planning
- Contact and coordinate with local authorities.
- Notify all needed utilities and agencies of the event.
- Coordinate with equipment and services suppliers
- Manage deliveries, schedule pick-ups
Site Management
- Tired of being up all Friday night just to get things ready for your weekend festival? EPS can run your set-up so you can be rested and ready for your big event.
Electrical Services
Clean up
- Staff with brooms, shovels and spill clean-up materials
- Trash cans, liners, debris boxes
Communications Systems
- Radios
- Phone lines
- Dispatchers
- Production Trailers
Booths & Canopies
- Food Booths
- Beverage Booths
- Ice Buckets, booth supplies
- Canopies
Restrooms & Sinks
- Units delivered to the correct place, as specified on the site plan
- Restrooms maintained and services during the event
- Sinks & water hook-ups for food service
Signs & Banners
Stages & Equipment
- Staging, backdrops, lifts
- Sound equipment
- Electrical services
- Lighting
Tables & Chairs
Critical Review
- During the event detail problems and possible solutions
- Review event operations with sponsoring agency
Follow this link to see information specific to street fairs.9/6/98