San Francisco Fleet Week 2009

EPS Team

Al Bertini handled a wide variety of assignments.

Dan and Josh with a load of ramp parts.

Michelle and Dan.

Sophie, checking out the new view.

Logistics Section Chief Linda and Supply Unit Leader Ben.

Robert pays Linda and Graham a visit during his recovery from a bad motorcycle accident.
Graham was the Operations Section Chief.

Carpentry team of Josh & Josh work hard to figure out Chuck's master plan.

Terry works her first EPS event, as one of AK's assistants.

Josh and Michelle on board the USS Green Bay, coordinating deliveries of tents and party equipment.

Henry worked hard as our Facilities Unit Leader.

Bruce handled the overnight Security Supervisor post.

Charis, working her first EPS event as one of AK's assistants, goes over a punch list with Linda.

EPS team, waiting for the ship to depart.

Josh, Josh and Michelle, with ramp parts.

How do I get off this pier?


