Chuck Fallo
Our friend and coworker Chuck Fallo passed away on April 27, 2007.
He had worked with EPS on various projects since 1993.
Chuck will truly be missed.Chuck was born May 20, 1944 in San Jose to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fallo (deceased).
Father of Cheryl Felice of Scotts Valley. Grandfather of Ricky & Jessica Felice.
Brother of Dorothy Howard of San Jose.
A Memorial Service was held on Sunday, May, 20. His ashes will be scattered at sea.Chuck's first project with EPS was the Mercado set, for Festa Italiana 1993.
Update: It's hard to believe Chuck has been gone for 2 years.
Lauren sent some pictures of her time with Chuck in the 1970s.
Chuck, seen here in one of his rare daylight appearances (on the right), oversaw all EPS construction projects
for 14 years. He was known to make walls and set pieces appear and disappear overnight, and delighted
in special projects with tight time constraints.Chuck handled the EPS stage installations as well as all of the safety and exiting equipment that EPS provided
at Pier 45 and 30-32.
Chuck assembling part of the office trailer ramp.
(photo from Lauren)
Chuck and Lauren. (photo from Lauren)
Chuck's door on Neil Young's bus. (photo from Lauren)
Chuck at work. (photo from Lauren)
(photo from Lauren)
(photo from Lauren)
Chuck the chef. (photo from Lauren)
Race car that Chuck worked on.
Chuck's orange truck which he and Lauren named "The Turkey". Photo was taken in Sausalito in the mid 1970's.
Chuck, preening the Turkey.
Chuck, Sam and the Turkey.
Chuck's last truck, nick-named the "Valdez" by some EPS crew members.We will miss you Chuck....