EPS provided electrical, lighting and other services for Michael Hensley Party Rents at Stanford University for Homecoming Weekend at two venues - Wilbur Field and in front of the Law School.
Some of the 30' x 30' and 40' x 40' canopies used at Wilbur Field for the Stanford Law School reunion
EPS Equipment trucks near 40' x 40' canopy frame.
Raised central walkway between canopies. EPS provided lighting for this 300' long walkway.
PAR 64 instruments used for outdoor lighting, mounted on canopy frames.
EPS 48 x 2.4kw dimmer rack, hidden in a canopy behind one of the 40' x 40' canopies.
Main entrance at Wilbur Field event
Inside one of the 30' x 30' canopies at Wilbur Field
EPS provided lighting in the 100' x 60' Law School canopy, used for parties on three nights during Homecoming weekend.