Celebrity Infinity
Pier 27, May 2009
EPS provided a wide range of services and equipment for the Celebrity Infinity's
visit to Pier 27 in May 2009 for the Port of San Francisco and
Metropolitan Stevedore Company.
Ben Penn directing outbound taxi traffic.
End of the taxi lane.
Michelle Kilday directing traffic in the middle of the Pier 27-29 valley, with traffic moving on all sides.
EPS crews directed traffic on Pier 27.
This was one many ships that were rerouted from Mexico due to the Flu outbreak.
Debarking passengers make their way to the taxi lanes. Canopy and traffic equipment provided by EPS.
Genevieve Southwick is the EPS Facilities Unit Leader.
EPS provided tenting, seating, sanitation and other support equipment.
Dan Hornbach directed bus and truck traffic.
Debarking passengers waiting for pickup via private vehicles.
Laura Sottile directing traffic exiting the pickup area.
West end of Pier 27. Taxi lanes on the far right, private vehicle pickup on the left.
Private vehicle exit path.
Bus loading and unloading.
Denise Turner is one of our contacts at the Port of San Francisco.